I found out the truth about the conversion rates regarding Islam, and wether it really is the fastest growing religion...the answer is yes, it is...even if disappoints the non-muslims (sorry). First, let's state some ground rules.

I used not just Islamic sources, but those of msnbc, nytimes, cbs, newsday, usatoday, hillary clinton, time magazine, CIA statistics among other things that all confirm this...there was also a spike in conversions after Sept. 11th 2001.... Anyway, here are the numbers admitted by non-muslims themselves....

Most people think that the number of Muslims is 1.2 billion approx. This is well known and accepted by most countries as reasonable. According to the CIA however, who have a vested interest in this, "Muslims have increased by over 235 percent in the last fifty years up to nearly 1.6 billion"

Muslims in Asia (1996) 1,022,692,000 (30%)
Muslims in Africa (1996) 426,282,000 (59%)
Total Number of Muslims on the Earth (1996) 1,482,596,925
Total Number of People on the Earth (1996) 5,771,939,007
Percentage of Muslims (1996) 26%
Islam annual growth rate (1994-1995) from U.N. 6.40%
Christianity growth rate (1994-1995) from U.N. 1.46%
Total Number of Muslims on the Earth (1998) 1,678,442,000

In the previous last half century...to show you that this isn't surprising, and has been actually in afffect for some time:

Judaism decrease 4%

Christianity increase 47%

Eastern Orthodox decrease 36%

Protestant increase 57%

Catholic increase 70%

Islam increase 235%

Growth rates taken between

World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1935
Readers Digest Almanac and Yearbook 1983

According to "The Almanac Book of Facts", the population increased 137% within the past decade (1988-1998), Christianity increased 46%, while Islam increased 235%.

In a recent pole in the (US), 100,000 people per year in America alone, are converting to Islam. For every 1 male convert to Islam, 4 females convert to Islam.

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